A Day at the Capitol…

State capitol, Annapolis, Md. by Detroit Publishing Co., Courtesy Library of Congress.

The state capitol that is! I’m in Annapolis for the day, waiting for a subcommittee meeting at the State House of Representatives. My job today? Stand around and look pretty. Literally. There is a (very minute) chance that someone might ask me a question, but the odds are pretty small. Meeting isn’t until 3pm and, of course, we are most likely the last thing on the agenda, but one doesn’t just breeze into the state house at the last minute (at least, not if one is a lowly museum professional!), but rather shows up at least an hour early.

A friend had business in Annapolis this morning, so we decided to save the planet and carpool down together. Happily (at least thus far) the weather is holding and I’m killing time in a lovely little coffee/bookshop (the Hard Bean Cafe & Booksellers). I’m even (surprisingly!) being productive, emailing and calling a number of potential apartments – I’ve got a viewing scheduled for tomorrow, so cross your fingers. And repeat with me: I will not take the first place I see out of panic. I will shop around. I will take my time and make the right decision.

Delicious. Don't judge me and my sunglasses. Or the 4 sugars in my coffee. Haterz to the left.

For now, I’m going to enjoy this delicious cup of coffee and the fact that I’ve got a view of boats and not my office wall.

The view. Still better, even when grey and overcast.

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