Monthly Archives: June 2011

This Weekend: June 25-26

This weekend was pretty great. It started at Druid Hill Park Pool for the annual Big Splash, where the Mayor officially opened Baltimore’s public pools for the season:

Totally sexy.

Shark in the Pool!!!!

Then a friend and I decided to check out the Latino Festival in Patterson Park, with a quick trip to Goodwill in the middle:

I bought a hat....

And posed with the skinniest door in the world.

Our second round at the Latino Fest was full of deliciousness:

Free samples from Goya. Above 3 photos by the fabulous Stacy 🙂

Enjoying a tasty treat. Not bad for a one-handed shot!

Not pictured: the delicious arepas, empanada, and plaintain with cheese.

Sunday was a trip out to the Baltimore Farmers Market to pick up our CSA (and do a little shopping for myself!):

CSA Haul: Cucumbers, Zucchini, Red Cabbage, Green Beans, Collards, Green Leaf Lettuce, Red Kale and Black Raspberries. Yum!

Then I went on a fruit bender: yellow cherries, red cherries, gooseberries, blueberries, peaches, tomatoes, corn and a bison strip steak. You know you're totally jealous.

Then I did some laundry, watched too much TV (including the season premier of True Blood – I love having HBO) and made delicious salad for today’s lunch.