Category Archives: Outfits

Photo Post: Prombie!

That’s Prom + Zombie, the best of all worlds. And it made for a fantastic birthday celebration for my awesome friend Lauren. BEST BIRTHDAY PARTY IDEA EVER (mostly I’m jealous that I never thought of this. That Lauren’s a smart girl!).

The fog machine was on overdrive.

Me trying to eat the self-proclaimed prom queen's brain. Tasty.

Check out that awesome Prombie '11 backdrop!

Jessica is one very excited zombie. How perfect is that dress?!?

Zombies get their dance on.

This Weekend: June 25-26

This weekend was pretty great. It started at Druid Hill Park Pool for the annual Big Splash, where the Mayor officially opened Baltimore’s public pools for the season:

Totally sexy.

Shark in the Pool!!!!

Then a friend and I decided to check out the Latino Festival in Patterson Park, with a quick trip to Goodwill in the middle:

I bought a hat....

And posed with the skinniest door in the world.

Our second round at the Latino Fest was full of deliciousness:

Free samples from Goya. Above 3 photos by the fabulous Stacy 🙂

Enjoying a tasty treat. Not bad for a one-handed shot!

Not pictured: the delicious arepas, empanada, and plaintain with cheese.

Sunday was a trip out to the Baltimore Farmers Market to pick up our CSA (and do a little shopping for myself!):

CSA Haul: Cucumbers, Zucchini, Red Cabbage, Green Beans, Collards, Green Leaf Lettuce, Red Kale and Black Raspberries. Yum!

Then I went on a fruit bender: yellow cherries, red cherries, gooseberries, blueberries, peaches, tomatoes, corn and a bison strip steak. You know you're totally jealous.

Then I did some laundry, watched too much TV (including the season premier of True Blood – I love having HBO) and made delicious salad for today’s lunch.


Monday, cute dress + sweater (and the awesomest new blue shoes), 5.2.2011

...and without the sweater.

First outing for this dress - it was well received! 05.05.2011

Outfits: Week of April 15

So, I managed to miss out on Monday’s outfit (don’t worry, it wasn’t especially exciting) but I’ve got the rest of the week ready to go!

Tuesday was a little cold and a lot rainy - perfect pants weather! 4.12.2011

First time out with this thrifted black shirt! 04.13.2011

At the end of a long longer looking so cute, but:

I'm thinking this outfit was pretty cute in action 🙂 04.14.2011

This outfit is a total fashion leap for me - new shirt dress + first foray into skinny belting! I'm liking it pretty hard. 04.15.2011

Outfits: Week(s) of April 1 and 8, 2011

Rockin' some more new-to-me clothes. I'm really digging all the stripes. March 28, 2011

Ok, to be honest, the above is the only photo I managed to take that week. But to be fair, I moved. So I mostly a) looked shlumpy and b) was way to busy/tired/frenetic to handle getting someone to take my picture.

I don’t really have an excuse for missing the next Monday and Tuesday…we’ll blame it on sleep dep and move on.

Is that...a dress?!? Another new-to-me piece, it's got the cutest tan polka dots. April 6, 2011

Got Toodles to take this photo for me. I feel rather springy and bright! April 7, 2011

I'm not super convinced that the grey undershirt + brown shoes thing is working here. April 8, 2011

Outfits: Week of 3.21.2011

Missed a couple of days this week and fair warning: it has been shlumpy, comfy, generally looking like a tired-undergrad week around here. Not by brightest hour, but between rain, packing and exhaustion I’m counting it a win if I make it out of the house dressed each morning.

Tuesday, March 22:

I swear this outfit looked less terrible in the mirror. My hair, on the other hand, truly has been this tragic pretty much all week.

Thursday, March 24:

AAaaaahhh - who knew the hair could get worse?!? But at least my shoes are cute.

Friday, March 25:

This sweater is super comfy, but apparently makes me look ill/unhappy. Alas and sadness. At least it was free.

Outfits: Week of 3/14

Trying something new – batching a week’s worth of outfits together rather than a daily post!

Monday, March 14:

Clearly I am dressed for pi(e)!

Tuesday, March 15:

Dress layering! I love the combination of light pinks and black.

Wednesday, March 16:

Outdoors? Me?

Thursday, March 17:


Warm(ish) weather! Bringing out the spring jacket.

Friday, March 18:

Posing in front of some awesome purim decorations! I'm really liking the raspberry/blueberry color combo.

Dressed down on a rainy day. Sadly, not digging the necklines here, but this is a favorite sweater of mine - it's got elbow patches!

Pretty casual today (I might need to use tools!). March 8, 2011

End of the day in one of my favorite sweaters! March 4, 2011.

Bonus! Office shoes for the younger set 😉