Tag Archives: Labor Day

A Pleasantly Laborious Labor Day!

Labor Day was supposed to be a day of rest, to recover from all the pie-festing – the original plan: hit up Costco so Sacks could buy chicken in bulk for her dog. Which turned into “hey, let’s stop at the bike shop in Towson…

and since we’re here let’s go visit Lush…” (she uses their solid shampoo and after hearing her effuse about it I’m seriously considering trying it out – we’ve both got super short hair, it’s all natural and theoretically one of those $10 bars lasts almost 6 months!) And since we were in the mall, well, I had a $50 gift certificate to Nordstrom’s burning a hole in my wallet. While the Rack didn’t satisfy, I fell in love with a gorgeous, black and white striped jacket at the regular store. Normally there’s no way in hell I’d spend $80 ($80! That is crazy) on a single piece, but I rationalized – the gift certificate dropped it to $30. Plus, I had just found out I’d be getting a sort of promotion at work, which comes with a small raise. It’s a professional jacket and so now it’s MY new, congrats-on-the-promotion jacket! (Also, this may be the first time in my life I think I look better in the piece than the model, for serious, this jacket is AWESOME on me.) And by that point, we were starving, so lunch in the food court it was. (I always find something very liberating and a little bit…naughty? about eating in a mall food court. Don’t know why, but I like it!) Then, when we finally make it to Costco: foiled! Turns out, it’s closed on Labor Day (and wouldn’t that have been a nice thing to put on the hours page of the website >:[ ) ! So what had been planned as a quick errand turned into an all day affair. The week hadn’t really started yet and I was already exhausted.