Tag Archives: popcorn

Recipe Success: Sriracha Popcorn

Let me start by saying how much I love my friends. Which is a lot. No, not an alot (although I love those too), but an actual unit of measure to large to be precise. One reason? A pair of friends came across a beautiful, 10-inch cast iron frying pan (in a dumpster of all places! the nerve of some people!) and what did they do? They gave it to me! (I mean, they already had one of their own, I would never take away someone else’s beautiful cookware.)

It looks like this one!

I love my cast iron frying pan almost as much as I love the friends that gave it to me (it was a tough call, but after all, the frying pan can’t help me move). And of course I’ve been experimenting with my new pan at every opportunity! Last week I bought myself a jar of popping corn and set to to make stove-top deliciousness.

The first try was a moderate success – the popcorn seemed to come out well, especially as I popped it in bacon grease, but a small mishap with the salt cannister left the finished product a little too briny even for my salt-loving tastes.

Bowl of hot and delicious goodness. Also my thumb.

Today I decided to try again with a new twist. Just plain old canola oil, but I added sriracha sauce in the hopes of a little heat. It worked perfectly! The heat of the sriracha comes through without being overpowering – this popcorn would be a perfect base for layering some more flavor. I’m imagining some garlic powder or even a little brown sugar for that sweet-hot zip. Definitely better than that microwaved, fake buttered, in a bag kind of stuff!